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The Legal Hurdles of Unmarried Couples Who Are Breaking Up

Unless you are one of the lucky few, your relationship could be doomed from the start. Studies suggest that couples are more likely to break up than to stay together. It is even more challenging for younger couples who began going out in their early 20s. Many of these relationships don’t end up in marriages.

judge holding a gavel

Lessons Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From These Famous Business Lawsuits

Businesses big or small are never safe from lawsuits. Many things can go wrong that can lead to an employee, customer, or even your own partner filing against your company. If you are not careful, you can end up losing the case and pay a considerable amount enough to make you bankrupt. It is true


Get Ready for Your First Court Appearance with These Useful Tips

Appearing in court for the very first time is one thing that many young lawyers worry about. Whether it’s for a summary judgment hearing, a consent order, or a court case management conference, the right preparation is highly necessary. You might have the feel of the procedure and the environment when you instruct counsel at


Finding the Right Business Consultant to Help Organizations Work Remotely

Entrepreneurs might be required to know a wide variety of skills, but they aren’t expected to do everything independently. That could prove to be a limiting factor. Instead, they hire business consultants to identify opportunities for improvement. It’s similar in principle to how you’d work with a personal injury attorney when filing a worker’s compensation


Divorce in Indiana: Filing, Proceedings, and Settlement

In Indiana, divorce doesn’t have to be as stressful as you would think. The state has a no-fault grounds for divorce, which means neither spouse is to blame for the separation. Both parties agree that their marriage is irretrievably broken. Most couples who file for divorce on no-fault grounds seek an uncontested divorce. An uncontested

female law student studying

Get Better as a Law Student with These Extracurricular Practices

Gaining admission to law school is a remarkable feat in itself. But it’s also just the start of a lengthy period of trials. Studying to become a lawyer will push your abilities and endurance; many have turned aside or experienced delays at this point in the journey to professional practice. The layman thinks of law


Beyond Paperwork: The Lawyer Essentials

Becoming a lawyer is one of the fabulous jobs a person can have. The suits, ties, briefcases—not to mention the dramatic court scenes—are enough to draw anyone in. For Asian parents, a lawyer is one of the possible dreams they have for their kids. However, behind the glitz and glam, there are grueling realities one

Hand pressing BRAND button on blurred cityscape background

Branding Basics: Ways to Improve Your Corporate Image

In the world of business, you can safely say that your image is your currency. Many partners, investors, and consumers base their credibility and trustworthiness on your image. After all, impressions always matter. Knowing this, you must be proactive when it comes to your branding strategies and efforts. You need to make it known to


5 Ways to Make the Divorce Process Easier and Faster

A divorce may be one of the most difficult things that you will ever go through. And if you decide to end your marriage, there are plenty of emotional, mental, and financial hardships that you have to be ready for. Nevertheless, there are ways to make divorce at least a little bit easier. 1. Find a reputable

person watching netflix on laptop

7 Shows on Netflix That Aspiring Lawyers Should Watch During Lockdown

Want to be a lawyer someday? A lot of people do because they want to make a difference in the world and help make it a better place. While legal dramas and TV shows don’t accurately depict the profession, it certainly shows various situations that are typical in a lawyer’s life, whether you belong to

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